Cancer Survivors Who Can – Nutrient Density Fund

Helping Cancer Patients Thrive Through Functional Nutrition

Not one of us in the United States is removed from the health care system and the widespread epidemic of cancer. It's seems the question in this day and age is not just, “Who do you know has cancer” but, “How many people do you know who have cancer”?

My name is Matt Guilbault. I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. My mission is to acquire funds to source, educate, deliver, detoxify and empower those who need, nutritional replenishment and assistance in maintaining their medical priorities. I seek to raise funds for six people who have either, gone through cancer treatment or are living with no health insurance while needing surgery, chemo therapy and radiation.

Like thousands of other cancer survivors, these individuals face a serious dilemma after their treatments are over. For years after, they face the reality of – after effects from cancer treatment which can be as bad or worse than the initial disease. Cancer survivors (or any other chronic illness) ultimately become unemployable and un-insurable. They are a liability and financial risk for the rest of their lives. It's a long and twisted road after cancer even with the current medical coverage offerings, there's a lot of red tape. It's a full, part time job dealing with the process to apply for social security disability benefits. And that's the first course of action on the road to a post chronic illness, lifestyle.

Experts Tackle Gaps in Cancer Care and Best Use of Interventions

Our western medical world has failed to educate us on how beneficial nutrient density is. But it is! I am living proof that plants can and do heal!

I had Crohn's disease for 16 years. I was placed on a whole cocktail of steroids, anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, chemo therapy and more, which threw my body in to a complete tail spin. Doctors never compared notes on their prescriptions. My doctors never considered what exterior influences could have triggered such dysfunction?

Additionally, I was in such dis-repair from poor food quality and socioeconomic pressure. Then my wife, Kim was diagnosed with stage four cancer. That's when I went on a food witch hunt! I thought I knew a lot about healthy eating. I did not. I was scared of food because no matter what I ate, it attacked me (or so it felt). I was scared of what my wife ate. Then she ended up with an enteral feeding tube through her chemo and radiation treatments. She was delivered cases of, canned, liquid that looked and smelled like vomit. I loathed every second that I injected this nasty, life polluting fluid directly in to her stomach!

That was it, I had do get myself educated on proper healing. So, I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and also made my own tinctures and oils. I started eating as best as I could. A good part of the time, I was on unemployment (I was not employable due to my Crohn's and other medical malfunctions). So, I had to budget every single dollar as effectively as I possibly could. But I did it! My food choices were still limited but I read each and every label before I purchased it. And bought the best quality of water I could find.

Long story short, I healed my Crohn's through better food choices, exercise and meditation. It works-it works – IT WORKS!!! I am living proof and now it is my life's purpose to help others get to a better quality of living. I have been off all prescription medications for over four years. However, my Crohn's will come back if I don't take proper care of myself. In doing so, I will be the first to admit. It does take money to really take chronic illness to the proper level and stay there.

The reality is, you are, ultimately, on your own when it comes to healing your body. Because our medical world does not endorse or encourage plant based medicine. So, how is one to know if they aren't taught these things?

You may think medications are good and they very well can be. BUT, It is not possible to fully heal from something so debilitating as chemo therapy and radiation by going back to a traditional diet and pain medication. It is impossible.

Our food system is not designed for such nutritional intensity. The food system is designed for extended shelf life, flavor enhancement and aesthetic appeal. Unfortunately, none of which lends itself to detoxification and repairing damaged cells. In short, you get what you pay for.


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The Biggest Problem With Healing in Traditional Medicine

The United States health care system has a huge flaw that's costing billions. There are no sound nutritional, rehabilitative plans to get a survivor to their ultimate potential. There are no provisions in place for post healing protocols. So, the patient goes back in to their world with the understanding that they should be able to go back to what they normally did. But now, there are issues of toxins in the system and no way to properly expel them. Hence, the opportunity for recurrence is vastly higher. Placing a HUGE impact on our health care system.

The key is to lighten our individual burden from the health care footprint. Just like the importance of reducing our carbon footprint on the environment. It's all connected and the more we're cognizant of this fact, the more we'll become aware of how to build our bodies to expel and counteract more effectively in the future. Our medical system is not designed to address the long term effects of chronic illness on how to deal with the cancer survivors road ahead of toxicity and pain management. It's vital that we look at the subtler part of “how” the individual originally contracted the malignancy.

The cost to date for the treatments and medications for these six people is over $6.5 million dollars. I think we all can see the mortality rate has, vastly, declined over the past 50 years. However, the result for these cancer survivors is a lifetime of toxic overload, foggy brain functioning and chronic inflammation. This places a heavy cost on the health care system which needs to be proactively addressed.

Did You Know?

Cancer patients can not take anything that will build their immune system while undergoing chemo and radiation treatments? Their immune system needs to be deliberately reduced as to not interfere with the treatments themselves. Basically, these treatments kill the body just enough to kill the cancer. But the scary part is, as a result, chemo and radiation is confirmed to induce future bouts of cancer so, it's merely a band-aid!! So, a cancer patients goes through treatment and let go with ZERO understanding that they need to detoxify from the poisons running through their system. And they have no support structure that leads them to nutrient dense foods? They're on their own to make whatever dietary choices for their future. This is why my cause is so important!

Chemotherapy myth shattered: toxic drugs cause more cancer than they prevent

The People I Represent

Each of these individuals are passionate, caring and competent people! The scariest thing is, there's, literally thousands more people in the same situation! These six people will go out of their way to help you if they possibly can. But they can't because they need to repair from chronic illness and the treatments that have them in such a state of disrepair. Their days are filled with courage met with frustration. Some are so new to this, they are hardly aware of just how severe their future will be, if they don't get nutritional therapy integrated in to their life – as soon as their treatments are over!

An overview of my first, six people. 


– My best friend and wife of 23 years. She suffered from stage four head and neck cancer, diagnosed in 2011. She went through chemo therapy and radiation treatments with a successful outcome of deleting six tumors in her neck and throat. Yay!!! Right? It's far from over…

Kim needs $10,000 for dental work as a result of her chemo therapy and radiation treatments. She had $7,000 of dental work performed prior to the treatments. It was to prevent damage to her teeth. Four years later, we are now coming to the understanding that a lead barrier was to during radiation that was, for some unknown reason, not implemented. Now her teeth are rotting out of her head. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover dental coverage.


– A nine year survivor of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He sold his car to invest in his health and well being through nutrition. He walks several miles a day back and forth to work through rain, sleet and snow. He went through one course of chemo-therapy and was told he needed a bone marrow transplant. Rob needs to amplify his nutritional uptake even more as a preventative measure. His past medical bills are steep. He had to hire a lawyer seven years ago to file bankruptcy. The lawyer took his $1500.00 retainer and never contacted him again. He finally got in touch with her after months of searching. She was disbarred form her state of practice and developed a brain disorder. So, she admitted, she took his money and there's nothing he can do about it.

Rob's life revolves around deterring cancer to the best of what his budget allows. He has to work two jobs just to make ends meet. Rob needs $3000.00 to get finances under control and a heavy course of detoxification as it's been difficult for him to maintain intense nutritional requirements.

Rob is also a major proponent of eating properly and is willing to walk a thousand miles to raise money for this cause or any other cause that promotes nutritional maintenance and healing. He will assist me in perpetuating this program and protocols as this grows. We live 45 miles away from each other and he will need a car in order to assist in this program.

Cancer Survivor – Rob Perriolat


– This survivor was recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and she's 27 years old! Her type of cancer is very rare, she has no family history of cancer and there's no current cause in site? She will need radiation and chemo therapy. After her treatments, she will need to detoxify and re-build her immune system. It is mine and Rob's goal to be there when that time comes, very soon.


– Although all these people need help, Les is in an EMERGENCY SITUATION and needs help IMMEDIATELY! A long time friend and colleague of mine who shares the common trait of having Crohn's disease. Although I managed to cure my Crohn's disease, he has become so bad that his skin is deteriorating off his body. Les has gone through several surgeries to remove fissures which have been unsuccessful. He has not been able to work in over two years. As a result, his employer canceled his health insurance a year ago. He needs another surgery and has no health coverage. He has applied for Medicare/Medicaid. But the system is lethargic and to this date, he has managed to get a referral through the state to see a Chiropractor to confirm that he needs surgery for Crohn's disease!!?? Les is in so much pain he can not sit. He can hardly reply to emails or answer the phone.

Les has not driven a car in over a year because the pain is so intense. He is forced to eat lesser quality food because he lives on disability checks which barely covers his rent and utilities. He needs $12,000 for his surgery and to pay off past medical bills. In addition, I will set him up with the proper food protocols for detoxification that includes, alkaline / ionized water, superfoods and locally grown organic produce.


Brian Spectre Then & Now

– A two time cancer survivor and the founder of a non-profit organization dedicated to training cancer survivors in technology and design. His passion is to help cancer survivors learn how write and produce their experience of overcoming cancer using video. He is a professional audio visual producer by trade. Although, he can not work to full capacity. The after math of his chemo and radiation required that he have surgeries on his back and pelvis. A titanium rod that was installed in his pelvis was faulty and broke. He now needs additional surgery and can barely get a proper referral from Medicare to confirm he needs the surgery.

This individuals days are still focused on helping other cancer survivors and more. However, he has to endure non-stop pain. He needs assistance in developing an anti-inflammatory program and detoxification protocol, while he waits for the system to approve his surgery. I will personally coach him and provide the nutrients and tools to succeed.


A survivor of a double mastectomy. Denise needs funds for cosmetic surgery, past medical bills and a nutritional regimen to detoxify from chemo and medications. She picks up my wife once per week and drives her 45 miles each way to a dental school where Kim has her dental work performed at a reduced rate.

Denise is passionate about learning as much as she can about proper nutrition. She needs a detoxification program and training on healing foods. I will personally coach her and provide her with the nutrients and tools to succeed.

The Ultimate Goal

The program is designed to get people up and running to get them at least, get them to a better level of comfort and mental clarity. This is done through providing local, organic produce and high quality, carefully sourced super foods and supplements. Having a strong background in biology, chronic illness, and whole foods. I understand the importance of good seed, soil and nutrient density. These components are subtle to us because, just like electricity, the majority of our culture doesn't see where the food or electricity was produced. We don't realize how much energy it requires to deliver the final product to us. In the long run, our bodies are taxed as a result of the process and tactics used to produce it.

The Ultimate Result

Healthier people, a healthier living environment and more stable food source that ultimately costs less than relying on our health care system so heavily.

Stage 1.

Assess environmental and physiological conditions. Detoxify, equip and educate. Through a series of detoxifying protocols and personal coaching. The survivors will be enabled to enhance their quality of life.

Stage 2.

Provide affordable access to raw and pre-made nutrients through a bulk buying cooperative. Survivors will receive a variety of freshly grown, nutritionally dense produce. And bulk access to super foods and supplements at a reduced rate.

Stage 3.

Compile documentation from start to finish on the process, tools, and results. This will be in the form of a book, articles, video and webinars. This will perpetuate the business funding for the future of creating standard protocols for several types of chronic illness survivors.

Stage 4.

Apply for a grant from the USDA to further the study while opening up the program to the public.

What Else Is Needed.

  • A greenhouse
  • Rain barrels / totes
  • Gutters
  • Irrigation supplies
  • Starter soil
  • Organic soil amendments
  • Small Solar system for greenhouse
  • EMF/microwave detector.
  • pH Meter
  • Ion Meter
  • Refractometer
  • Electro conductivity meter
  • Microscope
  • Grow lights
  • Six Alkaline / Ionizing Water systems.
  • Compost Bin and Worms.
  • Bottles, jars, jugs and packaging materials.
  • Bulk super foods.
  • Nutritional Supplements for all six people.
  • Funds for farmers market to buy items I don't grow.
  • Fermenting crocks.
  • Juicers for all six.
  • Blenders as needed.
  • One or more dehydrators.
  • Funds to develop online training, a book and documentary.
  • Marketing funds to promote the training, book and documentary.
  • An accountant.
  • Funds for blood testing.
  • Silicone Molds.
  • Compost Tea Extractor.
  • Essential Oils.
  • Funding for a vehicle to deliver food and take people to medical appointments.

Cancer Survivors Detoxification Fund.

What Am I Asking for Through Our Go Fund Me Campaign

I am seeking $150,000 to work with six cancer survivors getting them healthy and back to work building this as a company so we can provide products and services to assist thousands of other Cancer Survivors and their immediate family members or care takers. Upon startup of this business, I will document and publish the results in the form of a book, website, coop buying portal and online member training.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your support, empathy and compassion.