Due to overwhelming scientific and Spiritual progress, the evolution of human Spirit and it's connection to Source has become validated as existent. Whatever you choose to “believe” is now, more than ever, relevant. What you “choose” to believe will be.

  • If you spend lots of time focusing on political figures and their shenanigans. You will believe that is all there is.
  • If enough humans believe there is a huge, burning ball of mass hurling through s[ace toward this planet. Then we can manifest that.
  • If you believe we Americans are the target of terrorists. Then so to, you will be hunted by not only terrorist but YOUR OWN FEAR! If that is what you TRULY BELIEVE!
  • If you believe you are limitless being that is connected to all things of source. Then, so too – you shall experience it. ESPECIALLY NOW in this time space!!!
  • If you allow yourself to be limited to only what you see before your eyes. You will have missed what's truly waiting to be revealed in your existence.

Dig this… Believe it or not… Our DNA has been specifically engineered to have certain strands shut off. Why? Because our engineers did not want us to have access to the full potential of our “God like beings”. Now now… Stick with me and don't allow what your five senses to rationalize with your mind. Because that's where the trap is! It's a pre-designed road block or barrier to experience the our, true, god potential. We have been designed this way for other entities whims.

The engineers who took part in designing our DNA intended us to be slaves for mining Gold back in Egyptian and Sumerian times and for sexual pleasure. As time went on, those same entities knew they needed to keep our scope of reality under control. So, they gave us all kinds of stories to be ingrained in to our “belief system”. Stories about how we as humans are inferior, unworthy but still, if you keep faith in this religion. You may or may not go to a good place when you leave this body. What a mind and spiritual warp!!

If none of this is resonating with you yet. That's completely ok. But you may want to leave this post now if you don't. If you do feel this to be a part of your experience and comprehension then, I'd say, you've been feeling the massive shift in consciousness too!!

CONGRATULATIONS!! You're feeling it too!! Go go go and don't look back!!! If you keep the faith combined with the understanding that what you see and her in your periphery is merely the “channel” or radio station frequency that you chose to have as you current experience.And that is all you will receive.

BUT! If you bypass what your mind has locked in as reality and focus on your inner knowing or Spirit to guide you to what reality you truly wish to experience. Then, prepare for a crisis to appear before you at first – but ride it out!! Push through and know the chaos going on around you is merely the illusion you produced trying to fool you back to your little human existence. DO NOT BELIEVE IT FOR ONE SECOND!

You are here and now as part of being guided by your internal homing device. It's trying to present opportunities for you to get closure to comprehending, just how powerful you are!!

Can you feel it? Can you feel the pressure of what's, allegedly, going on around? Now stop everything to become still and listen to your inner self. Allow yourself to seek the fastest way to experience your joy if only just for one moment. And in that moment, can you feel how simple and pure the joy is that you feel? You just made another great stride in moving towards your true potential!!

It is in the moments of the most chaos that we have the greatest opportunity to move further in to our greatest joy. Don't just see it, FEEL IT! Acknowledge – Move Forward…

Hey… If you don't want to believe me, just have a listen to this Lenny Kravitz song that's been around for quite a while in our terms of time.4

Namaste – galactic being!!!

“If you want it, you got it, you just got to believe – believe in yourself”! ~ Lenny Kravitz