With over 15 years, hands-on, experience in nutrition, professional food preparation, and biology. Providing the unique opportunity to provide in-depth, counseling for individuals and group workshops. Specializing in getting to the heart of imbalance through a comprehensive analysis of a person's complete lifestyle.
My Personal Experience In Overcoming Illness
Approximately 17 years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and went undiagnosed for five years prior to that. Beyond Crohn's disease, I also have 22% permanent disability in my back that has been with me for 20 years. And as of this writing have been maintaining a broken, Lumbar disc for two years. To say I can relate to pain and the constant need to manage it is an understatement!
Pain management and a phobia of food for years provided a wealth of insight on how food and lifestyle both need to be considered. As I learned to make changes in my body, mind, spirit and daily living. Life started to balance out and I had new clarity and focus. As I began to place myself into remission, I saw my general practitioner and he was stunned to see my vital signs were excellent! My good cholesterol was up and my bad was down. My Doctor was amazed because I had gone off all my meds! I changed my diet, I started to exercise regularly and I listened to how my body responded.
Now that I personally know that food can make a huge difference in controlling so many facets in our lives. It gives me reassurance that we can maintain a state of, enhanced wellness through natural means versus having to rely on prescribed medications. Although prescription medication can certainly have its place.
Unfortunately, we now have to be aware of the quality of our natural environment. The things I understand about how our food, water, and air quality has degraded is stunning. There are ways of dealing with these issues. It has been my personal experience, time and time again, that medications effect me adversely on so many levels, they often left me feeling worse than I did with my preexisting ailment!