When it all becomes too hard and things get out of hand. I look to the horizon as I sit on the land. Thanking Mother Earth as she endures my weight. What an incredibly strong woman she is. I often ponder the conflicts in life then stop to consider what the Earth perpetually sustains. All the buildings and roads that crust over her flesh. All the poison man injects into her veins and still she keeps turning. The trees keep growing, the rivers forever flowing. Her waters always pure when it first pours from her womb. Only to be tainted by mans inconsiderate ignorance. What stamina she has, such endurance.
I now realize where my personal pain stems from. It is from the same origin that our Earth receives her abuse. For I am a part of her, she is a part of me. I would love nothing more but to help others try to see what we are doing and where we are going. The lack of human understanding, the pain of knowing. Still she keeps turning.
Its days like this when I want to curl up in her lap or run away into her wilderness. But, I know I have a job to do. That is to keep my head up high and look forward to the day when we all may unite as one. To anchor our presence in unified harmony – both man and nature.
As I write these words, I pray with all my heart to our creator “I believe and know that we must all come to the realization that our first duty is to honor and accept all of God’s creation through natures law”.
As our own mothers of birthright have unconditional forgiveness and compassion for her child’s wrong doing. She forever holds a knowing deep in her heart that one day her children shall come around by learning from their mistakes. Kindred is the Earth’s knowing that we as children of creation have been withheld in negligence for so very long. Now it is time for her keepers to re-awaken.
For this Mother Earth I thank you dearly. For this I make a solemn vow to aid in helping others learn to give back to our planet. This duty is the vital element in creating harmony amongst one another. We must come to the realization that each of us in times of trouble, no matter they mental, physical or spiritual. The Earth shares in our torment.
If we all came to acknowledge ourselves as walking sticks of God’s light. Then perhaps we could be on our way to a path of good. Coming together to heal ourselves and our Earth. Metaqueasan (We are all one) – HO!
I will carry the ball to benefit all. It's what I must do for the rest of my life.
Should I cut my hair to show you I care? You don't have to grow yours long to see the truth.
I'm not looking for a handout. I'll make the most of it. Because the pain I felt so deep inside, I can't resist.
If you'll give me a chance to prove myself to you. I'll help to change the pain to pleasure.
For all the young children and our Mother Earth. I'll help us bring the pain back to pleasure, for us all.
As I write these lines, I cry, tears flow on the page from my pen. Day after day I get these feelings again and again.
I can't take the pain of knowing our world has grown so cold. I choose to change this pain back to pleasure.
We are all one…
You are here and the past was then.
But it does not mean that it's your tomorrow.
Float away into the streams of no time.
Dance in your dreams.
Wash those grey scenes from your mind.
Then one sweet day
all your bad dreams float away.
Maybe tomorrow.
They'll float away.
Sing a song to the sullen jailor.
Set our souls free.
Sing along in the grace of swan's pond,
the great mystery.
Then one sweet day
all your bad dreams float away.
Maybe tomorrow.
They'll float away.
Lost in this ocean.
Shifting sands.
Once I held a diamond
but I let it slip through my hands.
The future's uncertain.
The past isn't clear.
Sometimes what you create
is exactly what you fear.
You've got to have courage
and faith to carry on.
Is it money or power?
Is it fortune or fame?
Is it whether you win or loose
or is it how you play the game?
Is it how many that Love you?
Or how deeply you Love just one?
Is it the feel of the open road?
Or is it holding your newborn son?
You've got to have courage and faith
to carry on.
You've got to have courage
and faith
to carry on.
Do what feels right.
Whatever will get you by.
Because paradise is here and now
not someday in the sky.
Just find what's important.
What doesn't matter all.
Because you've got to learn to fly
while you're still afrain to fall.
You've got to have courage and faith
to carry on.
You've got to have courage
and faith
to carry on.
WE are a growing group of ordinary people of all races and cultures who care about others and the planet. We are committed to our birthright as Heirs of Creation, understanding that human energy is and always has been, by free will, the collateral backing currency used on Earth. Abundance is natural. By living in cooperation with Mother Earth, perpetual health and well-being become normal.
The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a collective embodiment of Unconditional Love. Our purpose is to empower the human race with effortless access to all forms of nourishment and tools for mental, physical, and spiritual Sovereignty. We believe we have ascended beyond the need for non-consensual governance, fear, and scarcity.